Joy Morrissey, Member of Parliament for Beaconsfield, strongly criticizes the Liberal Democrats' proposal for blanket 20 mph speed limits in Buckinghamshire. In a motion presented at the full council meeting on the 12th July 2023, the Liberal Democrats have advocated for these speed limits, disregarding the importance of assessing safety requirements on a case-by-case basis. Furthermore, implementing such a policy would impose a significant financial burden on taxpayers, without guaranteeing commensurate safety improvements.
Contrary to claims made by the Liberal Democrats, Joy Morrissey MP has never supported their stance on blanket 20 mph speed limits. It is worth noting that Buckinghamshire already boasts over 100 designated 20 mph zones, a policy that has been positively promoted by the Conservative group in the past. Joy Morrissey MP acknowledges the need for safety measures in areas surrounding schools and has advocated for a specific 20 mph zone outside Dropmore School. This proposal, which demonstrates a sensible approach based on the local context, aligns perfectly with Buckinghamshire Council's existing policy. The absence of a footpath and the straight nature of the road create conditions that tend to encourage higher speeds, necessitating targeted measures to safeguard the well-being of students.
It is essential to differentiate between supporting tailored and necessary safety measures, as endorsed by Joy Morrissey MP, and advocating for blanket 20 mph zones outside all schools. The latter approach, driven primarily by ideology rather than an objective assessment of specific circumstances, disregards the practical realities and effectiveness of such measures. Joy Morrissey MP urges the Liberal Democrats and other parties to reconsider their position, focusing on evidence-based policies that prioritize safety while ensuring the efficient use of taxpayers' money. The well-being of our communities, particularly our schoolchildren, should always guide our decision-making process