Joy Morrissey MP welcomes tax cuts announced in the Spring Statement 23rd March 2022 Today the Chancellor has announced: National Insurance TAX CUT Fuel Duty TAX CUT Income TAX CUT To help address the increased cost of living, while allowing us... Westminster News
UK Government announces Spring COVID-19 booster vaccine for people 75 and over 22nd March 2022 People aged 75 and over, and people aged 12 and over who are immunosuppressed, are now eligible for a Spring COVID-19 booster vaccine. The NHS will contact... Westminster News
Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the Conservative Party Spring Conference 2022 in Blackpool 21st March 2022 This weekend, at the Conservative Party Spring Conference 2022 in Blackpool, the Prime Minister made his keynote speech. Good morning, everybody. It’s... Westminster News
Joy Morrissery MP welcomes passage of the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill at third reading 16th March 2022 I am absolutely delighted that the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill passed its third reading this week. This is an issue that is very close to my heart and is... Westminster News
Government launches Homes for Ukraine scheme 15th March 2022 The UK is one of the most generous nations in the world and the British public are now being asked to go one step further and open their homes to those fleeing... Westminster News
Joy Morrissey MP celebrates International Women's Day 10th March 2022 Great to be able to celebrate International Women's Day with the PM and so many great women! Westminster News
Joy Morrissey MP appointed Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Prime Minister 8th February 2022 I am deeply honoured to have been appointed Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Prime Minister. There is a lot to deliver as we come out of the pandemic, and... Westminster News
Joy Morrissey MP hails 70 years since the ascension of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II To the throne 6th February 2022 70 years of incredible service and dedication to duty. God Save the Queen. Westminster News
Joy Morrissey MP meets with Superintendent Burroughs, Area Commander for South Bucks to talk policing priorities 23rd January 2022 Great catch up with Superintendent Emma Burroughs to discuss what @thamesvalleypolice is doing to tackle antisocial behaviour and reduce crime across South... Westminster News